Rustlin Robs Gourmet Food

Heat Level: Mild
Category: Sweets

  • 2 C. heavy whipping cream, cold
  • 14 oz can coconut milk, cold
  • 1 C. of sugar
  • ¼ C. orange juice, cold
  • Few sprigs of fresh mint.
  1. Combine first 4 ingredients and ½ cup of the Peach Bourbon Sauce in a food processor blend for about a minute until sugar dissolves.
  2. Using an ice cream machine, add the mixture and follow directions for freezing.
  3. Halfway through freezing process, fold in the remaining ¼ c of Peach Bourbon sauce. Continue to mix until frozen.
  4. No ice cream maker? No worries! Even though this takes a little more time, the ice cream is just as delicious! Follow these simple steps:
  5. Pour mixture into a stainless still bowl (instead of the ice cream maker) and place in the freezer.
  6. Every hour for the first 3 hours whisk briskly with a stainless still whisk for just a few seconds to break up the ice crystals.
  7. Check after 4 hours and it should be halfway frozen, then whisk again and fold in the remaining Peach Bourbon Sauce. Cover and let freeze until the next day.
  8. Serve with sliced fresh peaches and a sprig of mint.

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